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Kenneth A. Parr's Teaching Portfolio

INTASC Principle 4

     The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.


Before is a video of me teaching a class for one of my science colleagues.  The description below the video illustrates much of the problem. 


The year was 2000 and I could have done a much better job actively engaging the students in the BEFORE video, in my opinion.  I have the students reading from a handout one by one and their body language told me they rather be someplace else.  Several of the students proved they were actually passively paying attention during a question and answer session off-video.  However, I doubt the young man I told to sit down (and told again off-video) was passively paying attention.  According to the Affective domain of Bloom's Taxonomy, no learning can occur if a student doesn't at least passively pay attention (Receive).

After is a video of me teaching my own science class.  The year is 2006 and my students are actively engaged in learning why salt melts ice on streets and highways and why the same heat transfer makes great tasting ice cream.  According to Bloom's Taxonomy Psychomotor domain, these students are manipulating the tools needed to melt ice in a hurry.  Some students can also be seen in the background at their computer stations in the video.  These students are recording lab observations and referring to their computer textbook.

The resources and materials needed for my ice melting lesson are within the plans below and demonstrated in the power-point presentation below:

Power-point presentation (below).

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