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Mr. Parr's Science Class


Science 7, Science 8, and Earth Science


Class:             Business Information Technology, 8th Grade

Team:             Independence League (rules and consequences also apply)

Teacher:        Mr. Parr, Kenneth.Parr@Portage.k12.in.us

School Year: 2013-2014


An education in business is critical to the fulfillment of virtually all career aspirations. There is a clear relationship between business concepts and the student expectations set forth in Indiana’s Academic Standards for grades six through eight. The Standards require the application of computer and information processing skills in creating, proofreading, and editing written material. Also, locating appropriate reference resources and displaying and interpreting data are part of the reading and writing focus of the middle school.  In this class, students will master the middle school technology proficiencies listed in this syllabus.


Supplies Needed for this Class:

Pen, pencil, folder, paper, and flash drive (optional)


Students Will Be Graded on the Following:

Ø  Classroom Assignments                            40%

Ø  Tests                                                               30%

Ø  Indicator Assessments                               10%

Ø  Bell Ringer & Exit Card                               10%

Ø  Homework                                                     10%


Classroom Procedures:

Ø  Class begins as soon as student enters the classroom and student is tardy if not in seat by the late bell.

Ø  Once in seat, student will begin answering bell ringer question.

Ø  When there is a question, student will raise their hand and wait to be acknowledged by the teacher.


Classroom Rules:

v  No going to unauthorized computer sites.

v  Do not leave your seat without permission.

v  Remain respectful to all at ALL times.









T 1 Technology Concepts (Learning about Computers)

T 1.1

Standard: Students demonstrate functional understanding (including the use of

appropriate terminology) of technology concepts, systems and operations, and their


T 1.1.1 Describe a basic computer system and identify computer classifications and associated

purposes (e.g. desktop, laptop, handheld, server)

T 1.1.2 Explain the relationship between an operating system (system software--Windows, Linex,

UNIX, MAC, mobile) and application software (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.)

T 1.1.3 Explain the use of and the difference between temporary memory (RAM), permanent

memory (ROM), and storage

T 1.1.4 Explain the information processing cycle (input, process, storage, output, devices)

T 1.1.5 Explain the purpose and necessity of file management, including folders and filenames

T 1.1.6 Identify and discuss the variety of technologies used in society, including future trends


T 2 Technology Operations (Learning to Use Computers)

T 2.1

Standard: Students use hardware and software components and understand the

use of input and output devices.

T 2.1.1 Use effective keyboarding techniques

T Demonstrate correct posture and arm/hand position

T Demonstrate correct home keys hand position and keystroking

T Demonstrate correct reaches to and keying of alphabetic keys, number/symbol keys, and

special purpose keys

T Demonstrate correct use of the 10-key pad

T Demonstrate increasing speed proficiency so that a minimum of 35 words a minute (D

grade level) with no more than 2 errors per minute is achieved by grade 8

T Demonstrate improvement in keyboarding proficiency (speed and accuracy)

T 2.1.2 Use hardware and peripherals (input and output devices) to support content area learning,

including alternative input methods (e.g., speech-recognition, handwriting recognition)

T Develop enunciation and reading skills with speech recognition technologies to enhance

academic skills

T Use mouse, keyboard, touch screen, stylus pen, speech, scanner, digital imaging and

video, and other input devices

T Develop digital penmanship skills to enhance academic skills

T Use monitor, printer, and/or speakers (output devices)

T 2.1.3 Evaluate and select appropriate input/output devices and storage media for specific projects

T 2.1.4 Organize and manage files and folders including backing up

Indiana BIT Middle School Standards -6- November 2008 Revision


T 3 Social, Ethical, and Human Issues of Technology (Learning to

Be a Good Digital Citizen)

T 3.1

Standard: Students understand the social, legal, ethical, and human issues

related to technology use. Students practice responsible use of hardware,

software, and data. Students interact positively with technology independently and

in collaboration with others.

T 3.1.1 Demonstrate safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology (e.g.

passwords, firewalls, spam, security, AUP, social networking)

T 3.1.2 Apply ergonomic techniques to information technology tasks to avoid injury

T 3.1.3 Demonstrate compliance with the school’s Acceptable Use Policy

T 3.1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of plagiarism and fair use; respect copyright laws of

information producers (e.g., piracy; illegal downloading; licensing infringement; inappropriate

use of software, hardware, and mobile devices)

T 3.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette in the use of technology

T 3.1.6 Explain cyber bullying and its potential consequences

T 3.1.7 Explain how changes in technology affect the workplace and society (e.g., computer

recycling, telecommunicating, mobility, efficiency, and security)


T 4 Technology as a Productivity Tool (Learning to Solve Problems

and Make Decisions with Technology)

T 4.1

Standard: Students use technology as a tool to enhance learning and creativity.

Students are able to use technology to increase productivity in developing models,

publications, and other creative works.

T 4.1.1 Demonstrate operations common to software applications

T 4 .1.1.1 Start an application (Start menu, desktop icon)

T 4 .1.1.2 Create, name, and save files

T 4 .1.1.3 Open, modify, and save existing files

T Use the Save As and Save commands appropriately

T Open files from and save files to a network folder, the hard drive, or other storage media

T Preview and print files

T Perform tasks using menus, buttons, and shortcuts (e.g., menu commands, toolbar

buttons, shortcut menus, keyboard shortcuts)

T Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars

T Use Help and online Help

T Use dialog boxes/task panes

T Exit an application (File menu, Close button)

T 4.1.2 Integrate data between word processing, worksheet, and presentation applications

T 4.1.3 Select appropriate software for completing projects

T 4.1.4 Follow instructions (instructor, text, manuals, and/or screen)

T 4.1.5 Work independently and as a team member (includes efficient use of time, organization of

work, etc,)

T 4.1.6 Handle and use of supplies/equipment

T 4.1.7 Demonstrate appropriate conduct in the classroom

Indiana BIT Middle School Standards -7- November 2008 Revision

T 4.2 Word Processing

T 4.2.1

Standard: Students will use document production software to compose, edit,

print, and design.

T Use correct keyboarding techniques

T Access and edit previously created documents, including the effective use of editing

commands (e.g., proofreading'/editing marks, delete, cut/copy/paste, drag-and-drop)

T Use spell check, thesaurus, and grammar features

T Enhance document appearance (e.g., fonts, lists: bulleted, numbered, symbols, special

characters, clip art, text wrapping, drawing tools, headers/footers, tables, columns,

footnotes/endnotes, borders/shading)

T Change page setups (e.g., document margins, page orientation, alignment, breaks,

paragraphing, format characters, and page numbers)

T Cite references in an approved format (e.g., MLA, APA)

T 4.3 Spreadsheets

T 4.3.1

Standard: Students will use spreadsheets to calculate, graph, organize, and

present data.

T Create workbooks, worksheets (including basic formulas--sum, average, max, min, count),

and charts

T Apply formatting features to customize tables, charts, and graphs and to make

spreadsheets and charts attractive and easy to read

T Produce simple charts (bar, pie, and line) and graphs from a spreadsheet

T Distinguish different types of charts and graphs, and choose the most appropriate type to

represent given data

T Organize, sort, and analyze data

T 4.4 Databases

T 4.4.1

Standard: Students will use databases to enter, find, organize, report, and update


T Create and update database files


Create and manage database objects (e.g., wizard, tables, views, fields, queries, forms,


T Organize and analyze data

Indiana BIT Middle School Standards -8- November 2008 Revision

T 4.5


T 4.5.1

Standard: Students use a combination of text, sounds, images, video, and

animation to produce presentations, and projects.

T Create well-organized, informative presentations through the use of templates, autocontent,

and wizards

T Use basic design guidelines to enhance visual presentations (e.g., appropriate

T Modify presentations (e.g., slide design, insert-move-delete slides, headers-footers,

background, clip-art pictures, drawings, audio clips, video clips, transitions, timings,

animation, hyperlinks)

T Present multimedia project using appropriate delivery technique

T Technology as a Productivity Tool (Learning to Solve Problems and Make Decisions with


T Demonstrate the ability to develop a simple Web page designed to convey information


T 5 Technology as a Communication and Collaboration Tool

(Learning to Use Telecommunications to Interact with Others)

T 5.1

Standard: Students use technology to enhance the effectiveness of

communication, including collaboration.

T 5.1.1 Apply the rules of digital communication etiquette.

T 5.1.2 Interact, collaborate, and publish effectively with others (e.g., e-mail, chat, instant

messaging, blogging, net meetings)

T 5.1.3 Explain terms associated with the safe, effective, and efficient use of the Internet (e.g.,

passwords, firewalls, spam, security).

T 5.1.4 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of open source software

T 5.1.5 Demonstrate use of open source software to create products (e.g. blogs, wikis, podcasts,

media sharing, bookmarking, document production, web site creation)


T 6

Technology as an Information Research Tool (Learning to Use

Technology to Access and Retrieve Digital Information)

T 6.1

Standard: Students gather, evaluate use, and cite information from technology


T 6.1.1 Log on to preselected Internet sites and viewing information

T 6.1.2 Access and use Internet/intranet search engines and directories

T 6.1.3 Access and explain various types of online resources

T 6.1.4

Use Web browser functions to access information (e.g., favorites, tags, feeds, and social


T 6.1.5

Use appropriate search procedures (e.g., boolean, key word, natural language, and


T 6.1.6 Evaluate Web content for accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, coverage.

T 6.1.7 Classify, order, and interpret retrieved information

T 6.1.8 Cite sources of all data





Please sign below indicating you have read and understand Mr. Parr’s classroom procedures and classroom rules. A parental signature also allows Internet permission. Return this signed agreement/Internet permission to Mr. Parr. Keep the syllabus for future reference.



 Student name (print): ___________________________________




Student signature:   _____________________________________





Parent/Guardian signature: _______________________________





Date: ____________________



Mr. Parr's email: kenneth.parr@portage.k12.in.us